Frequently asked questions

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For now it’s for free, because we are in public beta to gather as much as user feedback as possible. Job-posting will soon be available in a subscription model. Please let us know your feedback. is unique thanks to the mix of the AI-Tool combined with our Smart Data and Intelligent Recruitment and Text Models to write a job posting. This allows you to write a job posting that is very focused on your target group, while it will also read and convert well. The job posting text result we provide you in 3 minutes will cost you a lot of chats and prompts-knowledge doing it yourself in ChatGPT. Besides that, we’ll use not only ChatGPT, but also new suppliers like Google Bard.

If you know you are the best job posting creator available and it’s your corre job to write vacancy texts, nobody will say you better can stop. But to write good converting job postings, more is needed. is based on years of in-depth recruitment research into and among the target groups. Our smart data and wizard enables you to automatically insert in the job posting. With you can write a well-converting vacancy text within 3 minutes. This saves you a lot of time and effort that you can use for other things!

Our smart system has three layers: smart data, intelligent conversion models and dynamic AI-generation model. The system does not generate a text based on some generic data and prompts. We create very detailed prompts to input to AI-models (based on detailed individual job posting data). And we do not use one-dimensional prompts, but we differ with a combination of 100 prompts. We guarantee that even with exact the same data-input by the user, that our output text is always different.

We care about security, privacy and fully transparent about that. Please read our Terms of Use (Link: https://www.job-posting/terms-of-use) and Privacy Statement (Link: To use our website and app you need to read, understand and agree with our Terms of Use (Link: https://www.job-posting/terms-of-use) and Privacy Statement (Link:

At the moment you cannot save it directly in your applicant tracking system. But very soon the first ATS-integration will be available. We keep you posted.